"Write & Launch Your Best-Selling Book to Increase Your Impact and Income!"

Finally, Discover How our Aspiring Authors Create a Best-Selling Book, using a simplified (little known) turn-key process, that not only ensures their book in hand within 3 to 12 months (give or take), but also Unleashes their Impact and Income, - Guaranteed!

>> CLICK HERE for a short Video from Christine Gail
Schedule a 1on1 Book Consultation with Christine
(Watch the video beforehand)


CHRISTINE GAIL shares her writing, publishing, and launching secrets after successfully coaching over 2,985 AUTHORS. 

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Now is the perfect time to increase your impact and income by weaving your story and transformational ideas into a book!

Your book is a door opener to reach more people. Our Authors have been featured on various podcasts, in secular and Christian bookstores, on Fox News, NBC, ABC, Psychology Today, Yahoo Finance, TedX stages, and Success Magazine. 

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Over 2,985 aspiring Authors have attended my online trainings on this step-by-step process to simplify the writing, publishing, and launch stages for their #1 Best-Selling books!

& By the Way...

Yes this works, REGARDLESS if they have a following or email list, and all WITHOUT starting/stopping, feeling all over the place, wondering how they're going to get it published or how to monetize on it, and any of the other “barriers” that get in the way.

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This training is for aspiring non-fiction Authors who are ACTION TAKERS!

For Kingdom Leaders, Heart-centered Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Therapists, Consultants, and Transformational Storytellers ONLY, who want a turn-key solution to take their non-fiction book from Idea to #1 Best Seller!

You'll get:
* How to Write, Launch, and Profit from your book
* How to use your book to multiply your Business and Speaking Opportunities
* Steps to write the right book that unleashes your impact and income
* Avoid common mistakes that cause missed opportunities.

Attending this free training will save you precious time and money!

Our team gets RESULTS ...and we celebrate in community every step of the way!

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Your Book Coach:

"Christine Gail will UNLEASH the part of you that feels like it isn’t possible
and flip the switch in your mind to make it a reality.”   —Les Brown

Christine is a best-selling Author of Unleash Your Rising, (endorsed by Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, and Les Brown), renowned Book Coach, and Producer of Unleash Your Story TV.  She has a talented team of writing coaches, professional editors, book designers, printers, global distribution agents for book stores & libraries world-wide, and both hybrid and traditional NY publisher options.

100% of the authors who have applied her Best Seller Formula have reached #1 Best Seller on Amazon. She also teaches authors how to launch (or uplevel) an impactful dream business from their books.

See how this training created massive momentum for our Star Authors!

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Renée Marino
Communication Coach, Co-Host of
Tony Robbin's World Summit,
#1 Best-Selling Author
Becoming a Master Communicator

"Christine's program helped me greatly every step of the way as I wrote and edited my book.  Christine introduced me to my publisher and made the process so much easier. Also, the group calls and our accountability group was like having a cheerleading team around me.  There is no way I would have become a best-selling author without Christine.  If you're looking to write a book, don't miss out on this program!  

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Steven Aitchison
~ Over 4 million followers ~
#1 International
Best-Selling Author
The Belief Principle

"I received a copy of Unleash Your Rising by Christine and thought she did an amazing job in promoting her book.  Christine was my first choice for coaching on book promotion.  The lessons I learned were invaluable and the advice I got from Christine was brilliant.  Her advice helped me become a #1 Best Seller in several categories on Amazon which was great for social proof. I don't think you'll find a more dedicated coach to help you write and promote your book."

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Jenni Viken
#1 Best-Selling Author
Choosing Healthy Relationships

"Before meeting Christine I knew I wanted to write a book and impact people with my story. I just didn't know how to do it.  I also work and have a family.  She helped break the process down into manageable pieces and helped me understand more clearly the people that my book will impact.  I had the most life-changing breakthroughs with Christine.  All of a sudden, there is this urgency to write this book. This isn't about me. This is about them.  I am truly grateful for her and this experience."

Here's what these thought leaders say about the experience Christine creates!

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"Christine Gail will UNLEASH the part of you that feels like it isn’t possible and flip the switch in your mind to make it a reality.”

—Les Brown, World-Renowned Motivational Speaker, Coach, and Best-Selling Author

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"Be ready for an amazing journey in story, emotional intelligence, and mindset. Whatever you are intending—you will find the confidence for it with Christine Gail.”

—John Assaraf, CEO and Founder of NeuroGym™, New York Times Best-Selling Author

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“Christine's tools and resources will set your life in an upward direction and inspire you to become a more reverent leader. Unleash Your Rising will challenge you to be honest with yourself and activate a vision that can impact the world.” 

—Jack Canfield, Co-Author of The Success Principles ™ and Chicken Soup for the Soul ®

>> CLICK HERE to watch a short Video from Christine Gail
Schedule a 1on1 Book Consultation with Christine
(Watch the video beforehand)

Check out the results of our Authors who have applied our formula...

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>> CLICK HERE to watch a short video from Christine Gail
Schedule a 1on1 Book Consultation with Christine
(Watch the video beforehand)