$47.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I agree to join the Author Leadership Council and understand that the calls will be recorded. I commit to keeping the intellectual property, ideas, and personal information that may be shared on the calls confidential. I understand that if I want to cancel, I can at any time. Please direct any questions to: [email protected].

I agree to receive communication via email and text from Christine Gail and her team.

Terms & Conditions
Updated: June 2023

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Author Leadership Council - Payments

Dear Authors,

Join me, Christine Gail, in a mastermind community with other published Authors to foster collective growth in business and heart-centered impact!  

We will meet once per month on Zoom and everyone will have access to a private Telegram group for further connection.  Expert guest presentations, based on the needs of the group, will be housed in a private portal for lifetime access.

Payment plan bonuses:

$47/mo is locked in, meaning when the price raises anytime in the future, it will remain the same for you. 

Half-off the 3 trainings to grow your business from your book at $247ea (rather than $497ea)

*Authors can cancel at any time

I look forward to growing together in the Author Leadership Council!  

In Abundance & Joy,
