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Are You Overpacking Your Story?

As I'm packing for our upcoming vacation, I can't help but reflect on the age-old struggle of overpacking.

Maybe it's just me, but have you ever found yourself cramming way too much into your suitcase?

It's always a challenge to decide what to bring and what to leave behind! 

When it comes to writing a book, particularly when writing about the past, I find that this overpacking tendency often seeps into our stories as well.

Just like lugging around an overstuffed suitcase, including too many details from our past can weigh down our story. Your reader might get lost in the baggage of your story, missing out on those powerful "aha" moments that truly showcase your growth and transformation.

You may not realize it at first, but sharing too many details of your past story might be a sign that you're writing from the perspective of the unhealed parts of your story. As you experience breakthroughs and evolve, your writing shifts too!  

Once you've received true...

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When is the Best Time to Write Your Book?

A wise sage once answered the question:  

When is the best time to plant a tree?  His answer was: 

"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago...and the second best time is now."

The same goes for your book.  Your book is like a seed, a gift you are given.  It is up to you to plant it!   Some people carry that seed around for years, sometimes their whole lives, and never plant it!  Can you imagine the negative impact of never getting your book out? 

Now imagine what would open up for you if you did. 

Planting your 'book seed' can be as simple as showing up and writing it, however it takes the appropriate conditions and strategy to grow it.

Here I've interviewed three of our success story Authors:
Jodi, Judy, and Todd who wrote non-fiction books and are in different stages in their book writing/publishing journey.

Notice that they started by simply deciding that NOW is the right time, no matter what was...

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The Family Unit is the Core of Our Society

The family unit is the core of our society. I feel there has been an outcry from children seeking connection, to be seen, to be heard, for belonging. They aren't going to find that through a screen and if they are finding it at school and not at home, you've already lost them.

We can recreate our society by focusing on the family unit. Take necessary time to parent. Allow them to grow, to discover their identity, their Divine destiny, and the value of who they are in a loving environment.

The greatest gift you can give them is the opportunity to be themselves. And the greatest gift you will receive is seeing the world through their eyes. Take the time to ask questions and listen. They have more figured out than most people in leadership. It's simple. 

If you do not have a family, the greatest gift you can give is to find a family and be a support for them. They say it takes a village, yet we have forgotten that. Get back to basics. Our children deserve this chance to know they...

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Are You Ready to Unleash a Greater Vision For Your Life?

I had no idea when I took the giant leap into coaching, speaking, and getting clear on my vision for my book that there was an unleashing stage where I had to completely disconnect from the stable career and be willing to face fear.

I had to allow myself to have unwavering faith for the vision I received to inspire people to rise into greater purpose through their stories. 

I had been marinating on this vision for 10 years!  Back then, I had a dream, a vision, that pulled me out of bed to write at 3am.  It was one night where I received a glimpse of my doing breakthrough work at an event and people were standing up and sharing how they have powerfully shifted perception of their stories.  I could feel the shift in the dream.

A voice told me to get out of bed to write... pen to paper... so I did.  I went on to write down 10 pages of what I saw and experienced then went back to bed and forgot about it.

While I may have forgotten about it, I still received nudges...

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We Get to Lead the Changes Happening in our World

Uncategorized May 20, 2020

Isn't it exciting to fathom that we actually get to lead the changes happening in our world?

One thing that may escape the attention of some people is that archaic systems in this world have been falling apart for a long time now. 

I've often asked the question: Why are children at school 30+ hours per week?  Why do we work 40-70 hours per week?   Why are there so many retail buildings full of things we don't need?  Why can't more people work from home?  Why can't people have more freedom in their work?  Why aren't our lives more family and faith-centered as a whole....why isn't this the norm?  Why are we on our phones and social media so many hours in the day?  Why do people continue to work in jobs they hate?

I feel in some ways we have manifested this global reset button.  Many of us have been fed up with how backwards our world is and how misaligned we have felt in our lives. 

I believe overall, as we slowly recreate the...

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I Want You to Have It All

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2020

This isolation period has been tough for a lot of people.  For the most part I have stayed above it.  However, a bit of sadness kicked yesterday as I thought about what is happening in the world right now and that I cannot simply celebrate my birthday in person. 

Then it lifted as I realized I truly have so much to be thankful for! My friends and family are healthy and we can come together again soon enough.  While we may be deprived of non-essentials right now, truly we have it all if we can find laughter and have people who love us.

We have had to get creative on ways to keep our girls busy and equally have fun together as a family!   As you know, creativity is a foundational principle of Unleash Your Rising.

Check out our dance challenge video we created.

Feel free to shared it with your family and friends to spread love and laughter during this time.

We are hosting a fun challenge too.  Share a story post on...

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Do You Actually Have Less Time to Devote to Your Vision?

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2020

Do you actually have less time to devote to your vision?

Your vision wants you to know:

Don't give up on me. I'm not giving up on you!

I thought that during this time, since all my speaking engagements and events postponed for now, that I’d be showing up live more, blogging more, and accomplishing so much…including finding Zumba videos and working out more… Ha! 

Instead, I’ve been pouring into our Author community and emergency homeschooling!  My workouts look more like a walk around the block and family dance parties.  I'm also steadily building out a Writing Challenge (stay tuned). 

While this is a challenging time for our world, innovation and stronger connection is arising.  We've had to get more introspective and creative.  An awakening is occurring.

This is the time to consider that steady is not giving up.  You will get there! You are whole and complete right here right now.  Allow yourself to be introspective....

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What is Your Story and Do You Realize its Power?

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2020

These libraries full of books are my paradise! (And Belle is my favorite Disney Character because she stands in her power and loves books).  Imagine all the powerful stories within these books.  
My love for books began at a young age yet I grew up in an environment where reading was strictly monitored.
I remember sneaking books into the house and hiding in the bathroom with the door locked to read them. I even hid books in a buried box on the property where we lived. I would wander alone on our property up into the biggest tree I could climb to read a book for hours then climb down and put the book safely back into the box until the next time I could escape to read it. Books became for me an escape from my own personal story.

As I grew older, I continued to grow in my love for books. As an English major, I spent hours reading and writing papers, and still spent every Saturday at Barnes and Noble to read other books I was interested in, typically self-help,...

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Unleashing Your Love Story

Unleashing your love story has everything to do with your own personal development and tapping into your creative power.  If you are single, it becomes possible to attract a match who best compliments your higher self the more introspective work you do and the more you live in your creative genius.  If you are in a relationship, the more you focus on your inner work and pursue your creative purpose, the better your relationship works.  Why?  Because you are honoring what makes you come alive, rather than relying on someone else to activate your aliveness.

In chapters 2, 3, and 4 of Unleash Your Rising, I discuss a powerful awareness tool called Your Story of Intention that can work as a guide in unleashing your love story.  This tool is a chart that contains 3 levels of story:

1. First Story: Disempowerment
2. Second Story: Unleashing
3.  Third Story: Reverence

If you are single and in the unleashing stage, overall, you no longer require validation...

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Turning Grief into Purpose

Grief is a state that encompasses many different emotions depending on the stage.  While some people experience grief from the loss of a loved one, others may experience it from divorce or loss of a job or financial status.  No matter the story and details of what you are experiencing, the state is the same for everyone and it can be debilitating, especially during the holidays or other special occasions.  We store grief in our bodies and without releasing the core root of the grief, it can cause depression and even health issues.  

If you are experiencing grief right now, this is a signal that you are ready to let it go.  It helps to tell the story of your grief.  By switching from the "in it" part of your story to the storyteller, you are actually creating a space in your brain so that you can let go of the emotion.  I encourage you to journal through your story and share your story to close friends and loved ones so that you are not going...

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